"What characterized Andrea's presentation could be summarized in a word I'm learning to love ever more: generosity. She was extremely generous (in a remarkably forthright, humble and straightforward way) in sharing her own experience with us, regarding every step of the journey towards publishing a book. She distributed a useful handout and had people 'work it' on the spot, and answered every single question with the empathy that comes only from personal experience. It felt like a family member, intimately sharing. She brought nearly a dozen books to pass around, & talked about other people's books. It was a long presentation which didn't seem long. And the critiquing was (of necessity) short, but excellent. We had the countertop lined up with a parade of people's books, including Fractal Edge Press. Among participants were 4 or 5 past leaders, a publisher, 3 editors, and newcomers. I'd say this Forum, along with a few others in the last couple of years, falls into the category of what I had in mind years ago, as an ideal."
-- Helen Degen Cohen
"I had the pleasure of attending a poetry workshop led by Andrea Witzke Slot sponsored by the Northwest Cultural Council. Her topic was 'Imagery: No Ideas but in Things' (of course borrowing a line from the wonderful William Carlos Williams poem 'A Sort of Song'). She reminded us that although the poem may be about something abstract -- love, beauty, grief -- it is made accessible and universal through vivid images. I have pages and pages of notes that I will most certainly refer to again. Her kind, on-target commentary on our own poems helped us strengthen our work.
I found myself looking on her website to see where she is teaching next. She is a delight."
-- Tamara Tabel,
Chair of the Barrington Writers Workshop